
SAA. Studio Adrian Aguirre


‘Delirious Landscape’


Nature has proven that determinism of morphologies is not rigorous, and that the same variation can produce diverse outcomes; morphology is not absolute, cities are in continuous evolution. Architecture as key instrument to represent evolution; aims to adapt and adjust to conditions of chaos, harmony, disruption, conjunction and human essence, abolishing a centralized city gestalt, resulting in a limitless variation of elements and spatial distortion.

Inspired by notable architectural visions of Etienne-Louis Boullée, Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Lebbeus Woods and Moon Hoon, delirious landscape illustrates a utopian existence of a rudimentary and decentralized architectural microcosms where a continuous circulatory system establishes order through a series of endless stairs connecting spaces, volumes and experiences.

The origins of delirious landscape are based on a vision of a utopian nomadic micronation, as a method and instrument to understand immediacy between architectural systems where the event of proximity creates a dynamic extension of architectural territories, an ephemeral expansion of space, without the extension of physical space. A reality leading to a post-human era of radical materialisation in architectural spaces.

Colours, events, dimensions react to focal points within the angle of the illustration, balancing accents acting as visual system correlated to the circulatory system.


Retallack Thompson (AUS)


Sebastian Gatz (DENMARK)