
Amaia Sanchez-Velasco + Jorge Valiente Oriol


‘Post-script on the Society of Spectacle’


Philosopher Antonio Gramsci enunciated that during any time of crisis "the old is dying and the new world struggles to be born... it is a time of monsters."

‘Post-script on the Society of Spectacle’ responds to the ubiquitous feeling of uncertainty derived from today's social and climatic crises and presents an urban night scape inhabited by dreamlike monsters. The work has been designed as a large format tapestry with contrasted colours for the SITE 3: Top Floor Gallery. The execution should ensure the intensity of the colour and the contrast between different tones presented.

Amaia Sanchez-Velasco and Jorge Valiente Oriol are architects, co-founders of the architecture collective GRANDEZA and academics at UTS, School of Architecture, Sydney. Their work studies late-capitalist spaces and narratives to identify – through critical analysis – and neutralize – through political imagination – the mechanisms that veil and normalize neoliberal violence. They have explored forms of collaboration through painting, multimedia art installations, education and design. Their work has been exhibited in Germany, Chile, Spain, Netherlands, Italy and Australia. 


Michael Chapman (AUS)


Ana Mircetic-Velickovic (SERBIA)